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Becky Miller 

My name is Becky Miller and I am one of two music teachers at Abney ES.  When I was in 7th grade I began to understand the call on my life to become a music teacher.  I have found such comfort, joy and healing in music!  It is my hope that my students experience as much joy in learning in general and learning in music as I have found!  I believe that this can change lives!  It is my goal that my students have so much fun in my class that they want to come to school!  This is why I teach music!  It is my passion! 

  I am married to Richard Miller.  We have two children.  Aaron is 7 years old and Katelynn is 3 years old.   My husband is a huge baseball fan and has a goal to eventually visit every single MLB Stadium in the United States.   He has visited 28 stadiums so far.  He is also a huge UGA fan.  This causes us to be a house divided since I am a big Bama fan!  My son, Aaron, is starting 2nd  grade this year at Abney. I have 3 nephews and one niece.  My dad, Coach Rocky Swann, was a high school history teacher and football coach in Cobb County for 32 years.  He played semi pro football in Alabama.  He is the biggest Bama fan!  Roll Tide!  Through his blood line I am a 6th generation teacher.  My mother is a retired hair stylist. 

The 2020-2021 school year will be my 15th official year of teaching music in an elementary school, and my 20th year of teaching private piano and voice lessons.  I began taking piano lessons when I was seven years old, and have always sang in choirs.  My k-12 years were spent in private Christian schools.  I attended Atlanta Christian College where I majored in music ministry and minored in Biblical Studies.  My major instrument was piano and my minor instrument was voice.  Finally, I received my music education certificate from the State University of West Georgia where I also began my master’s degree.  Five summers ago, I took a 2-week intensive course and received my Level 1 Orff Certification. 

My family and I are very active in church. My hobbies include reading, attending concerts, scrapbooking and decorating my house! 

I am very passionate about teaching music!  I can’t wait to see what exciting things are in store for this year! 

July 24, 2020

Biography: Tests & Assignments
Biography: Blog2
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